About me

Louise Coakley

Genetic Genealogist

Helping people use and interpret DNA results is Louise’s specialty. 

Louise started her career working with big business data and now works with DNA data and family trees to solve complex genealogical relationship puzzles.

After commencing family history research in 1997, Louise started using DNA as a research tool in 2011 and quickly recognised its power and potential impact on family historians and the wider community.  She continued her own education and started spreading awareness of genetic genealogy amongst other genealogists and the community.

Louise established one of the first DNA Interest Groups in Australia, and she created and leads the popular Facebook group Using DNA for Genealogy – Australia & NZ, and Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) in Australia & New Zealand.  She regularly presents on genetic genealogy topics, both online and in-person (incl. DNA Down Under, Family History Down Under 2021, Family History Down Under 2022).  Louise manages and/or co-administers a number of DNA groups and projects.

Since 2015, Louise has specialised in using DNA to identify close biological relatives – such as unknown parents and grandparents – guiding clients to explore, interpret and apply their DNA results to their unique family situations.

In 2020, Louise started working in Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG/FIGG), including on the first unidentified human remains (UHR) to use IGG in Australia: Poona Paul, a John Doe found in QLD in 2008 (a Parabon & QPS case; see I4GG 2023 and QPS Ep1 Breakthrough).  Louise also provides expert forensic investigative genetic genealogy services to the AFP’s National DNA Program for Unidentified and Missing Persons.

As well as being a member of local family history groups, Louise is a member of the Society of Australian Genealogists (Certificate in Genealogical Research by assessment), the International Society of Genetic Genealogists and the Association of Professional Genealogists.  Louise supports the Genetic Genealogy Standards and the IGGAB to help safeguard the future use of genetic genealogy for all.

Louise’s background is in business systems and data management, and her professional qualifications include a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Bachelor of Business (BBus – Data Processing) and she is a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA).